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Tally Add-ons


Address Book - (G1)

Get ledger groupwise Address book + Label + Envelop Printing

Gridlines - (G2)

Print any report with 'Lines' for better readability

INR 500 + GST

Disallow Delete - (G3)

Give 'Delete' right to selected users only

INR 500 + GST

Disallow Cancelling Of Voucher - (G4)

Give 'Cancel' right to selected users only

INR 500 + GST

Company Wise Color Settings - (G5)

user can customize looks & feel of menus and voucher screens

INR 500 + GST

Mass Mailing [os] - (G6)

Send mails of Outstanding Receivables to selected parties of a Group

INR 1000 + GST

Scheduled Auto-backup - (G7)

triggers backup process on a given time during the day

INR 1000 + GST

Dashboard Reports - (G8)

All in one screen for owner or manager

INR 1800 + GST

Master Related:-

Multi Description In Item Master - (M1)

multiple or multiline description for items

INR 500 + GST

Active/inactive Ledger - (M2)

mark unused ledger as "inactive" to eliminate it from pop-ups

INR 500 + GST

Active/inactive Items - (M3)

mark unused items as "inactive" to eliminate it from pop-ups

INR 500 + GST

Image In Item Master - (M4)

Show image for item master

INR 500 + GST

Multiple Desc In Item Master - (M5)

more than 1 line for description in item master

INR 500 + GST

Import Item Master From Excel - (M6)

get item master prepared on a click from Excel in to tally

INR 1000 + GST

Import Ledger Master From Excel - (M7)

get account master prepared on a click from Excel in to tally

INR 1000 + GST

Imort Price List From Excel - (M8)

Directly take pritce list to Tally from Excel

INR 1000 + GST

Bom Impoet From Excel - (M9)

Import Bill of Material Master directly to tally from Excel

INR 1000 + GST

Update Mobile Nos Of Ledger From Excel - (M10)

Import mobile no to update existing ledger masters

INR 1000 + GST

Update Gstin / State From Other Software - (M11)

Makes it easy to migrate from or import data from other s/w

INR 1000 + GST

Print Barcodes From Master - (M12)

U can print Bar codeed lables for selected master

INR 1000 + GST

Attribute Masters - (M13)

Can assign various fields like Size, Shape, color etc … to masters

INR 1000 + GST

Q.c. Settings - (M14)

U can print Bar codeed lables for selected master

INR 1800 + GST

Voucher Entry Related:-

Display Ledger During Voucher Entry - (v1)

Get ledger from within Voucher entry screen without leaving voucher
INR 500 + GST

Display Item Register During Voucher Entry - (v2)

Get item register from Voucher entry screen without leaving voucher
INR 500 + GST

Pdf Attachment - (V3)

Get item register from Voucher entry screen without leaving voucher
INR 500 + GST

Stop "on Acc" Receipts - (V4)

Eliminates non-reffered receipts to maintain outstanding receivables in better manner
INR 500 + GST

Mark Salesman - (V5)

mark your executive in voucher entry during sales
INR 500 + GST

Tin Validation - (V6)

eliminates TIN based mistakes in voucher etnry os sales or purchase
INR 500 + GST

Bank Details - (V7)

print your bank details in sales bill
INR 500 + GST

Narration Master - (V8)

save frequently used narrations and use it like macros during entry
INR 500 + GST

Stop Negative Stock - (V9)

disallows item stock going negative
INR 500 + GST

Stop Negative Cash - (V10)

controls cash from going negative
INR 500 + GST

Discount As Amount - (V11)

Directly mention "discount amount" itemwise in sales bill
INR 500 + GST

Stop Cash Transaction > 10,000 - (V12)

Have a control to allow cash entry to exceed Rs. 10,000.00 in a single voucher
INR 500 + GST

Prev Balance - (V13)

Print previous balance of Ledger in sales bill
INR 500 + GST

Print Challan In Bill - (V14)

Have challan no and date printed for each item in sales bill
INR 500 + GST

Print Pan - (V15)

U can print PAN no in invoice with this tool
INR 500 + GST

Print Terms In P.o. - (V16)

allow to print your special term-conditions in purchase order
INR 500 + GST

Customer Search On Mobileno - (V17)

allows to select ledger by mob no while entry
INR 500 + GST

Customer Search On City, State - (V18)

allows to select ledger by city or state while entry
INR 500 + GST

Fifo In Receipt - (V19)

while entrering a receipt, arrange references in FIFO manner
INR 500 + GST

Gstr Voucher Lock - (V20)

locks those voucehrs which pertains to GSTR1/2 for safety
INR 500 + GST

Block Over Qty In Receipt Note Or Sales Order - (V21)

prevents accessive qty to be mentioned then defined
INR 500 + GST

O.s. Report Auto Open On Company Loading - (V22)

a nice way to remind OS receivale everytime
INR 500 + GST

Recycle Bin - (V23)

prevents accidental deletion
INR 500 + GST

System Date As Voucher Date Automatic - (V24)

make your PC date as the Voucher entry date automatically
INR 500 + GST

Last Pur Cost In Sale - (V25)

Show last purchase cost of item during sales entry
INR 500 + GST

Block Overde Credit Invoicing - (V26)

do not allow billing for overdue ledgers
INR 500 + GST

Signature In Bill - (V27)

print jpg / image based signature in sales bill
INR 1000 + GST

Fix Format Sms From Sales - (V28)

Sendss a fixed sms on new or altered sales vouchers
INR 1000 + GST

Payment Sms With Os Amt - (V29)

notify the party whom u made a payment with latest Os figure
INR 1000 + GST

Bill Printing Range - (V30)

now u can print more sales bill at a time by giving range
INR 1000 + GST

Gstin And Hsn Column In Bill Entry - (V31)

while making sales entry this makes it easy to identify items
INR 1000 + GST

Group Wise Item Selection In Voucher Entry - (V32)

allow to filter item list based on Group selected
INR 1000 + GST

Categorywise Item Selection In Voucher Entry - (V33)

allow to filter item list based on Category selected
INR 1000 + GST

Receipt During Sales - (V34)

allows to make "auto receipt" during sales entry
INR 1000 + GST

Payment During Purchase - (V35)

allows to make "auto payment" during purchase entry
INR 1000 + GST

Bill Outstanding In Invoice Print - (V36)

mention list of OS bills in bill itself
INR 1000 + GST

Prepare Enquiry Vouchers In Tally - (V37)

makes it possible to note each sales lead received
INR 1000 + GST

Make Quotations In Tally - (V38)

pull enquiries and or directly prepare quotation
INR 1000 + GST

Track Quotations And Make Orders - (V39)

pull or track quotations to make order entry
INR 1000 + GST

Order Approval - (V40)

applies permission based order processing
INR 1000 + GST

Half Page Invoice For Retailers - (V41)

Sp size bill for retailers
INR 1800 + GST

Tracking Pur/sales Bill In Dn/cn - (V42)

Track Purchase / sales references in CN/DN for GST connected transactions
INR 1800 + GST

Serial Extract From Excel In Purchase Entry - (V43)

suitable for Mobile / Computer / Consumer dealers. .allows to pick bulk serial nos from excel while purchase
INR 1800 + GST

Serial Extract From Excel In Sales Entry - (v44)

suitable for Mobile / Computer / Consumer dealers. .allows to pick bulk serial nos from excel in sales
INR 1800 + GST

Item Wise Barcode Scanning In Sales Voucher - (V45)

makes entry for retailers very fast
INR 1800 + GST

Item Wise Barcode Scanning In Purchase - (V46)

saves time of making entry at batch levels
INR 1800 + GST

Multiple Mode Payment Effect - (V47)

very useful for jewellers, retailers, super markets etc …
INR 1800 + GST

Selecting Bills During Cn/dn - (V48)

Allows you to select Bills in CN/DN
INR 1800 + GST

Plywood Industry Billing - (V49)

special format billing suitable for plywood dealers
INR 1800 + GST

Ceramic Industry Ready Billing - (V50)

Ready to use bill format for ceramic industry with size, quality etc.
INR 1800 + GST

Agro Bill Ready Format - (V51)

All variation capture billing for Agro dealers
INR 1800 + GST

Prevent Duplicate Purchase Bill - (V52)

Tracks Supplier's Bill no and Prevents the user to enter same Purchase bill of same vendor again even by mistake
INR 500 + GST


Detailed Bs And Pl - (R1)

balance sheet and profit loss ac with 2 more levels
INR 500 + GST

T-format - (R2)

With this tool one can print ledger in indian style "T-Format"
INR 500 + GST

Salesman Based - (R3)

Report for salesman wise sales
INR 500 + GST

Party Total Os - (R4)

In the list of outstanding receivables, have party wise index and totals
INR 500 + GST

Contact Details - (R5)

Have contact info of ledger in outstanding report
INR 500 + GST

Free Qty - (R6)

Get fre qty report for each sales transaction in itemwise manner
INR 500 + GST

Buyer Sale Reg (bsr) - (R7)

Get names of buyers in Sales Register, you can even filter it
INR 500 + GST

City Wise Sales Register - (R8)

get sales register pertaining to customer of a city
INR 500 + GST

City Wise Purchase Register - (R9)

get purchase register pertaining to venders of a city
INR 500 + GST

Add Book On Cash Sales - (R10)

Addressbook for sales made in cash
INR 500 + GST

Send Bulk Sms For Outstanding Reminders - (R11)

Based on Os reports send sms to selected/ all ledgers
INR 1000 + GST

Item-party Report - (R12)

A report for all items sold for each party in columns
INR 1000 + GST

Party-item Report - (R13)

This reports gives party names in rows and items in columns for sales entries
INR 1000 + GST

Courier Register - (R14)

maintain register for curiours made
INR 1000 + GST

Cash Sales Register - (R15)

Sp register with required details of cash based sales
INR 1000 + GST

Cost Center Wise Sales Register - (R16)

sales register based on transactions for selected CC.
INR 1000 + GST

Cost Center Wise Purchase Register - (R17)

purchase register based on transactions for selected CC.
INR 1000 + GST

Plywood Business Size N Density Wise Stock - (R18)

allow mentiioing size, thickness of ply from master
INR 1800 + GST

Bom Report - (R19)

a report for All BoM usage
INR 1800 + GST

Vertical / Business Specific Solutions:-

Z+ Security For Data - (SP1)

allows to lock your data in special way to prevent it to be open EVEN IF correct username and password used
INR 4500 + GST

Tally Crm - (SP2)

Get all that u need to efficiently manage Leads. It provides much wanted features like meking Enquiries, tracking them in quotation further tracking quotations to order and so on .. Gives various analysis for sales managers and owners.
INR 4500 onwards + GST

Executive Wise Analysis - (SP3)

Gives details on sales, commission and related info for sales reps
INR 4500 onwards + GST

Barcode Module - (SP4)

Complete integration of Barcode based masters, vouchers and lable management
INR 4500 onwards + GST

Special Module For Pos - (SP5)

Full package for Retaiers / Malls / Show rooms
INR 9000 onwards + GST

Special Module For Jewellers - (SP6)

Whole lot of features from barcode to sp. Trading ac
INR 9000 onwards + GST

Special Module For Furniture Dealers - (SP7)

fulfills almost all needs of a plywood / hardware shop
INR 9000 onwards + GST

Complete Sms Module - (SP8)

Full fledged "user definable" template designer, master and all needs to fulfill ALL VOUCHER Push notifications from within Tally
INR 9000 onwards + GST

360 Degree Module For Mobile Disti/dealers - (SP9)

From master integration and voucher based "serial extraction" … to IMEI tracking and executive / shop wise reporting.
INR 9000 onwards + GST

Tailored Dashboards - (SP10)

Industry standarad dashboard PLUS "one screen" reporting to cover your own specific summary reporting requirements
INR 9000 onwards + GST

Module For Vitrified Tiles Manufacturer / Sellers - (SP11)

Completes all shortfalling needs for management of Vitrified Tiles manufacturing business management
INR 1800 onwards + GST

Special Featured Module For Manufactureres - (SP12)

Covers many needs of a "process based industry" from master mapping till QC, Order management, BoM analysis, Material Planning, etc ..